Fix for Blank or Empty Windows Features List in Vista and 7 • - How to open Windows Features in Windows 10
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Windows 10 features list empty free download. Subscribe to RSS- windows 10 - Optional features settings are blank - Super User
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Or some of you windows 10 features list empty free download stuck at Windows 10 turn features on or off please wait. Normally, in this dialog, you are able to enable or disable some optional features as below like. Now you can only see a blank or empty dialog. Like what has been discussed before, these features are optional features for games, Internet Explorer читать далее, Internet Information Services IISand some system components, which entails certain Windows-based files.
Or some related service and Windows update are also to blame, such as Windows Module Installer. You need to troubleshoot this problem from different perspectives. Here follow the ways below one by one until turn on or off Windows 10 features list empty free download features list loads and comes up on Windows 10, 8, 7.
First off, to save your time, it is worth a shot to use the professional and audio windows 10 tool — Advanced System Care to fix Windows features not working automatically. It has been proved useful to take advantage of ASC to resolve Windows Features on or off blank error. Downloadinstall and run Advanced SystemCare.
Under Toolboxand then hit WinFix. ASC will immediately адрес страницы this toolbox for you automatically. Or, you can also make use of the system embedded tools to detect what files are corrupted, causing Windows features not to turn on or off. Search Command Prompt in the search box and then right click the result to Run windows 10 features list empty free download administrator. If needed, restart your PC and you can see Windows 10 has corrected windows 10 features list empty free download corrupted files.
After that, try to turn on or off Windows features to see if it loads properly. You can also use Deployment Imaging Servicing Management to repair the erroneous Windows images, which is rather foolproof and useful in dealing with this issue. In Command Prompt with administrative privileges, run the commands below one by one. Whatever error it detects out, /46931.txt to fix it as soon as possible. You will notice turn on Windows feature on or off gone has been recovered.
Especially for users who hit upon turn on or off Windows features blank on Windows 8, you would better get rid of this StoreDirty value. This registry value may be the culprit for your missing Windows feature list. In Command Prompt with an administrator account, copy and paste the following command and then press windows 10 features list empty free download Enter key to remove the problematic StoreDirty value.
You can restart your PC to take effect if possible. After logging on again, go to control panel to turn Windows features on or off. This time change 10 welcome screen password free may find the Windows Feature window elevated and all the optional features are showing up. This Windows Module installer is in charge of enabling the installation, modification, and removal of Windows updates and optional components.
Therefore, if windows 10 features list empty free download carelessly disabled this service, it is likely that turn Windows features on or off is blank on Windows 7, 8, and You need to start it automatically. In Servicesscroll down to find out Windows Module Installer and right click it to open its Properties.
In case any account corruption resulting in turn Windows features on or off not loading on Windows 10, 8, 7, you are supposed to create a new user account and then sign in again. For some users, perhaps SFC failed to fix the file issue so as to make the Windows feature not load so far. Navigate to Microsoft Support. Then this tool will Download and Install Updates with the files necessary for optional features. All in all, all the solutions in this post are powerful in fixing turn Windows features on or off blank or empty on Photoshop elements download free adobe photoshop elements 2020 download free 7, 8, Be patient to deal with Windows features gone effectively.
Save my name, email, and windows 10 features list empty free download in this browser for the next time I comment. Windows Errors. In order to recover the black Windows features, there is much need for you to move on. Why is Windows Features Box Empty? Solution 3: Delete StoreDirty Value Especially for users who hit upon turn on or off Windows features blank on Windows 8, you would better get rid of this StoreDirty value. Solution 4: Change Windows Module Installer Service Settings This Windows Module installer is in charge of enabling the installation, modification, and removal of Windows updates and optional components.
Type in Services in the search box and then hit Enter. Click Apply and OK to save changes. Solution 5: Create a New User Account In case any account corruption resulting in turn Windows features on or off not loading on Windows 10, 8, 7, you are supposed to create a new user account and then sign in again. For some clients, the new account will not bring forth optional features empty to your PC. Hit Open or Run to directly install this Microsoft tool.
Open Windows Features window and check if Turn on or off Windows features will load correctly. You Might Also Like. Accessories Windows Errors. Accessories Program Windows Errors. Windows Windows Errors.
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